Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Play Fair Cipher (C++ code)

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class playfair
void doIt( string k, string t, bool ij, bool e )
createGrid( k, ij ); getTextReady( t, ij, e );
if( e ) doIt( 1 ); else doIt( -1 );

void doIt( int dir )
int a, b, c, d; string ntxt;
for( string::const_iterator ti = _txt.begin(); ti != _txt.end(); ti++ )
if( getCharPos( *ti++, a, b ) )
if( getCharPos( *ti, c, d ) )
if( a == c ) { ntxt += getChar( a, b + dir ); ntxt += getChar( c, d + dir ); }
else if( b == d ){ ntxt += getChar( a + dir, b ); ntxt += getChar( c + dir, d ); }
else { ntxt += getChar( c, b ); ntxt += getChar( a, d ); }
_txt = ntxt;

void display()
cout << "\n\n OUTPUT:\n=========" << endl;
string::iterator si = _txt.begin(); int cnt = 0;
while( si != _txt.end() )
cout << *si; si++; cout << *si << " "; si++;
if( ++cnt >= 26 ) cout << endl, cnt = 0;
cout << endl << endl;

char getChar( int a, int b )
return _m[ (b + 5) % 5 ][ (a + 5) % 5 ];

bool getCharPos( char l, int &a, int &b )
for( int y = 0; y < 5; y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < 5; x++ )
if( _m[y][x] == l )
{ a = x; b = y; return true; }

return false;

void getTextReady( string t, bool ij, bool e )
for( string::iterator si = t.begin(); si != t.end(); si++ )
*si = toupper( *si ); if( *si < 65 || *si > 90 ) continue;
if( *si == 'J' && ij ) *si = 'I';
else if( *si == 'Q' && !ij ) continue;
_txt += *si;
if( e )
string ntxt = ""; size_t len = _txt.length();
for( size_t x = 0; x < len; x += 2 )
ntxt += _txt[x];
if( x + 1 < len )
if( _txt[x] == _txt[x + 1] ) ntxt += 'X';
ntxt += _txt[x + 1];
_txt = ntxt;
if( _txt.length() & 1 ) _txt += 'X';

void createGrid( string k, bool ij )
if( k.length() < 1 ) k = "KEYWORD";
for( string::iterator si = k.begin(); si != k.end(); si++ )
*si = toupper( *si ); if( *si < 65 || *si > 90 ) continue;
if( ( *si == 'J' && ij ) || ( *si == 'Q' && !ij ) )continue;
if( nk.find( *si ) == -1 ) nk += *si;
copy( nk.begin(), nk.end(), &_m[0][0] );

string _txt; char _m[5][5];

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
string key, i, txt; bool ij, e;
cout << "(E)ncode or (D)ecode? "; getline( cin, i ); e = ( i[0] == 'e' || i[0] == 'E' );
cout << "Enter a en/decryption key: "; getline( cin, key );
cout << "I <-> J (Y/N): "; getline( cin, i ); ij = ( i[0] == 'y' || i[0] == 'Y' );
cout << "Enter the text: "; getline( cin, txt );
playfair pf; pf.doIt( key, txt, ij, e ); return system( "pause" );

E-Governance Paper Review

Review of the Paper



The paper describes some of the best practices that have emerged during the course of the many implementation of e11, a customizable multiannual e-Governance and CRM solution, in India. The focus was how an e-Governance system can be successfully implemented and used. It’s based on the research being carried out at SHTR Consulting Group (SCG) with purpose to develop a framework through which effective an efficient e-Governance can be done.

At root e-Governance provides automation, informatisation and transformation which gives governance this is cheaper, does more, quicker, works better and innovative.

Indian Aspect:
Legislation in India, a country with 1.2 billion population spread over 28 geographically uneven states with different languages, literacy level and culture, is very challenging. According to Sharma (2002), the culture of governance in India characterized by secrecy, seniority and corruption which poses great challenges in implementation of e-governance. In human level, the change processes have to be properly understood, accepted, internalized, adopted and improved to achieve the full advantage. Govt. of India issued guideline that 2-3% of every ministry or department plan budget was to utilize in achieving e-Governance using IT (Raje, 1999). Due to lack of coordination duplicate technical task has been implemented in different department.

E-Gov. Framework (eeGF)
To effective answer the challenges SCG developed eeGF which proposed an integrated approach towards knowledge management, information gathering, information dissemination, citizen request management.

The core components of eeGF are:

Portal/Content Management System: created on project basis with standard content management engine. Layout and design are are reworked to reflect the specific requirements of the customer.  One can choose between different services and create portal or portents in matter of few days. Master Content Management Engine can generate innumerable portals. Portals provides role based, personalized access to information, services and functions. 

‘Life events’ capture the reason of people visiting portals and portal offer help on life event in three level

-          Check listing all life event and enumerating all the actions to think about and all there is to know
-          Instructions for critical activities and suggestion how to conduct and what to be careful.
-          Show relevant electronic services

Citizen Request Management:
The main components are
-          Request assignment and routing
-          Request escalation
-          Response tracker
-          Response reporter
-          Time management tools
-          Contact management

Self Help: some examples are
-          Integrated view of various account
-          Retrieving information offerings
-          Web form services
-          Registration for events
-          Information are on the law and how its interpreted
-          Simulation of tax calculation

One to One chat and Messaging: citizen service tool for website and organization wide internal communication. It features text chat, push pages, real time traffic monitoring, pull, workflow manager, answer book, messaging, chat transcript, visitor profile analysis, migrate.

Knowledge Management

Answer Book and Documents Management         


eeGL provides increased availability, faster processing with fewer errors . It exploits all the modern customer relationship management including process reengineering, efficiency, collaboration and communities.

The eeGIF makes it possible for any government organization to work step-by-step toward web based administration and to build on its current software application gradually until it has its
 own comprehensive integrated e-Governance solution