Friday, March 7, 2014

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is a unique product of human intellect that has commercial value. Again it also a legal concept which refers to creation of mind which exclusive rights are reserved. 

Ø  Intangible piece of property
Ø  A right which protects creative/intellectual effort of the owner 
Ø  A means to prohibit unauthorized use of ideas
Ø  A means to protecting market positioning and competitive advantage
Ø  A commercial asset and tool  


  • Copyright
  • Trademark
  • Patent
  • Trade Secret
  • Domain Name registration 


Ø  Automatically subset on original work, no registration required
Ø  Only protects the expression not the underlying idea
Ø  Infringed by copying
Ø  Get expired after 70 years of author death


Original drama , literature (computer program also), music, TV program, sound recording, film, typographic arrangement of published work, original database

Owner’s Right

Owner has right to restrict or allow whole or part of the work to be copied, adapted or made available for public.

In normal scenario, employer hold the copyright of employees work. While, contractor free of this limitation

Doesn’t Cover

-          Underlying idea
-          Method of operation
-          Procedures
-          Mathematical Concept
-          Database content

Paternal Right

Moral right of author to be identified as the author

-          Doesn’t apply for employees
-          Does apply for contractor, graphic designer, advertising agencies
-          Right can’t be assigned but can be waived

Integrity Right

Author’s right to object modification and other derogatory action
-          Translation permitted
-          Computer program translated to other programming language isn’t permitted

Database Copyright
-          Valid up to 15 years from creation or making available
-          If sufficiently original also applied to 70 years copyright from death of author


Any sign capable of being represented graphical which capable of distinguishing goods or services from others

Ø  Right conferred by registration
Ø  Prevents use of identical or similar to be used in similar or dissimilar good or services


Invented word, Dictionary word, Letter and numerals, slogan, smell / fragrance, logo, form of packaging, Shapes, sound and images


Registration includes steps – application, examination, window for opposition, registration. These steps takes 12-18 months to complete.

Can be renewed after 10 years perpetually,


Granted by state in return of disclosure of invention. Invention have to be absolutely new, not obvious development of known technology.

Limited to 20 years, after that invention becomes free to public

Prevent unauthorized use, manufacture, sales and importation on patented territory.


-          Device, machine ,apparatus
-          Chemical and pharmaceutical
-          Electrical and electronics
-          Industrial process and method
-          Biotechnology
-          Computer hardware and software
-          Business method ( maybe )


-          Method of treating human/animal body
-          Animal and plant varieties
-          Invention contrast public/moral order
-          Aesthetic creation, presentation of information
-          Discoveries, scientific method, mathematical method
-          Scheme ,rule and method for performing mental act, playing games or dong business

Trade Secret

Ø  Is not generally known to the public;
Ø  Confers some sort of economic benefit on its holder as being sect
Ø  Is the subject of reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy

Domain Name Registration

Ø  Anything can be registered
Ø  First come first serve basis
Ø  Except popular name where only owner can apply
Ø  Generic name not allowed. ex. Domain
Ø  Real and substantial presence must be proved for national registration (.gov)

Introduction to Multimedia

Multi = Plural => Many

Media => way of communication

Types :

  • text
  • pictures
  • audio
  • video

Classification :


Benefit of using Multimedia :

  • Ease of use
  • Interactive ( controlled by user. ex. video can be paused ,forwarded)
  • Cost effective (in long term)
  • Intuitive ( time saving ) 
  • Better representation of data 

Barriers :

  • Cost
  • Required sophisticated device
  • Copyright
  • transmission technology ( compression algorithm, communication protocol)

Types of Multimedia 

Local Multimedia - Content shared locally, precompressed
Networked Multimedia  - May or may not shared locally, use network. Content either precompressed or compressed  on the fly (ex. live broadcast ) 

Network Multimedia :

1.  Live  - live broadcast , skype etc

2.  Stored - Youtube etc

Buffer :  is a region of a physical memory storage used to temporarily store data while it is 

being moved from one place to another. Buffer location can be fixed physically but most of the 

time done with software. Buffers are typically used when there is a difference between the rate 

at which data is received and the rate at which it can be processed, or in the case that these 

rates are variable, for example in a printer spooler  or in on line video streaming. For time 

adjusting buffer uses queue / FIFO ( first in , first out ) algorithms.

Cache is a type of buffer, which used to gain faster access of data , typically those who needs 

multiple accessing. Disk/file cache commit data after certain period but buffer never do that. 

buffer primarily used to temporarily store  input output data . 

RAID - redundant array of independent disks

RAID is a storage technology that combines multiple disk drive components into a logical unit for the purposes of data redundancy and performance improvement. Data is distributed across the drives in one of several ways, referred to as RAID levels , depending on the specific level of redundancy and performance required. there are 7 standard raid level.

(redundancy is the duplication of critical components or functions of a system with the intention of increasing reliability of the system, usually in the form of a backup or fail-safe.)

Architecture of Streaming Multimedia System :

Challenge of Network Multimedia :

  • Bandwidth
  • compression speed
  • size/volume of data
  • congestion control
  • error control mechanism