Thursday, October 3, 2013

Software Project as A System

¥  Stakeholders are people who have a stake or interest in the project.
¤  It is important that they be identified as early as possible, because PMs need to set up adequate communication channels with them right from the start.
¥  Stakeholders might be:
¤  internal to the project team
¢  under the direct managerial control of the project leader
¤  external to the project team but in the same organization
¢  Example:
¤  assistance of the information management group
¤  assistance of the users
¢  The commitment of the people involved has to be negotiated
¤  totally external to the organization
¢  Example:
¤  Customers/users  who will benefit from the system that the project implements
¤  Contractors who will carry out work for the project

¤  Strategic Decision Making
¢  essentially about deciding objectives
¤  Tactical Decision Making
¢  ensures that the objectives are fulfilled
¤  Operational Decision Making
¢  relates to the day-to-day work of implementing the project

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